“Empowering Peacebuilders”

Program Description:
This “Empowering Peacebuilder” (ER) Program is a six-session online series (via Zoom) that helps Rotary and Rotaract club members to enhance their Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution skills. Participants can then directly engage in Peace initiatives in their local community – and beyond.   EP Program features Nonviolent Communication (NVC) & the Rotary 4-Way Test, as resources to enhance Rotarian Peacebuilder skills.

EP Program Alignment with Rotary:

Rotary International (RI):
Focus area of Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution.

Rotary Action Group for Peace (RAGFP):
Develop Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution resources
for Rotary and Rotaract Clubs worldwide.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) & the Rotary 4-Way Test.

Program Objectives:

  1. To enhance Rotarian and Rotaractor, Peace & Conflict Prevention/Resolution Skills
  2. To form Rotary Peace Committees and receive distinction as Rotary Peacebuilder Club on RAGFP Global Peace Map.
  3. To form Rotaract Peace Committees and receive distinction Rotaract Peacebuilder Clubs on RAGFP Global Peace Map
  4. To engage Rotarians, and Rotaractors, directly in local Peace initiatives – and beyond
  5. To connect fellow Rotarian and Rotaract Peacebuilders – locally, regionally, and internationally

Program Activities:
ERIP online sessions are scheduled weekly, during a 6-week period.
Participants will:

  1. Review an 8-part video module series, two at a time (estimated time: 15 – 20 minutes each)
  2. Participate in at least 2 of 6 “real-time” online sessions, hosted by a Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer & Rotarian, to discuss each respective Peace Module Topic (see flyer) and apply the Peace skills in their daily lives.
    Note: All 6 ERIP “real-time” sessions are recorded, and “edited” for review. Any participant, who cannot attend a “real-time” ERIP session, can review the recorded session on the ERIP Program, Private Facebook Page.
  3. Complete Peace skill-building exercises, in personal ERIP Program Handbook/Journal – and share reflections with fellow Peace participants, on the ERIP Program – Private Facebook Page
  4. Write a brief Case Example of a Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution issue, in which they used enhanced Peace skills, using Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and the Rotary 4-Way Test, to help resolve the conflict.
  5. Formulate a Personal “Peacebuilder Action Plan” – to directly engage in Peace initiatives, through their respective Rotary or Rotaract club – Peace Committees.

Note: ERIP Online Program participants, who successfully complete the ERIP Program online series, will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Rotarian Action Group for Peace (RAGFP).