Carlisi and Associates Co., LLC

Building Peace Through Programs That Empower Communities and Collaboration

Peace Programs for Rotarians, Neighborhood Associations, Community-Based Organizations, and Faith Communities.

Faith-Based Communities

Neighborhood Associations

Community Peacebuilder Advocates

Parents & Youth Mentors/ Advocates

Rotarians, Rotaractors, Rotary Peace Fellows

Cultivating understanding, empathy, and effective communication is essential for communities, organizations, and Rotary – as it fosters unity and enhances collective efforts. 

Our programs offer solutions on a systemic level to equip your community with the tools to overcome challenges and create more peace in individual lives, in collaboration with each other, and in the world.

Building Peace In The Community

Whether you’re part of a faith-based community, neighborhood association, or advocating for youth, our structured programs equip participants with essential NVC foundations, practice groups, and tools for fostering compassionate conversations within their communities.

Rotary Peace Programs

Empower Rotarians, Rotaractors, and partners with our tailored peacebuilding initiatives. Our online series offers comprehensive training, including sessions, videos, and handbooks, enabling participants to craft personalized action plans. Educators can access resources to implement peace education with youth, fostering community engagement and social justice initiatives.

Peace Programs

“Building Peace Through Service” (BPTS)
Rotary International Global Grant model

“Empowering Peacebuilders” (EP) online series

For Rotarians, Rotaractors, Rotary Peace Fellows
& Program Partners

Phase 1

  • NVC Foundations: 50+ Rotarians & Program Partners
  • 6 session online series, 6 videos, EP Handbook
  • Create a Personal Peacebuilder Action Plans

“Young Peacebuilders’ (YP) Peace S-L Program

Phase 2

  • YP online series (for Teachers/Facilitators)
  • 6 hr. online series, 6 videos, YP Handbook (24 Lessons)
  • Implement YP S-L Program with youth (Recommended Unit: 1 Teacher/Facilitator… 20+ youth)

“Youth Voice in Community (YVC) & “Peace & Social Justice” (PSJ) S-L Programs

Phase 3

  • YVC & PSJ online series (for Teachers/Facilitators)
  • 6 hr. online series, 6 videos, YP Handbook (20+ Lessons
  • Implement YP S-L Program with youth (Recommended Unit: 1 Teacher/Facilitator… 20+ youth)

“Building Peace Through Service” (BPTS) Capacity-Building Initiative

Phase 4

  • BPTS Program Capacity-Building & Sustainability
  • Public Funding
  • Private Sponsors & Social Entrepreneurship Ventures

Community Peace Programs


“Building Peace in Community” (BPC) online series

For Neighborhood Associations
& Community Peacebuilder Advocates

  • Phase 1: BPC Foundations, 6 sessions
  • Phase 2: BPC follow-up “Practice Groups”, 6 sessions
  • Phase 3: Implement BPC local “Compassionate Conversations”


“Building Peace in Community” OCC P.L.A.N. online series

For Faith-Based & Laity Communities
& Program Partners

  • Phase 1: NVC Foundations, 6 sessions
  • Phase 2: NVC “Practice Groups”, 6 sessions
  • Phase 3: Implement OCC P.L.A.N. –
    “Gun Violence Prevention” Initiative


“Respectful Parents/Respectful Youth” online Parent Training series

For All Parents & Youth Mentors/Advocates)

  • Phase 1: NVC Foundations, 6 sessions
  • Phase 2: NVC “Practice Groups”
  • Phase 3: NVC “Compassionate Conversations” with Family

Meet Tom Carlisi


Tom Carlisi, MA, a Certified NVC Trainer, brings over 40 years of experience to empower individuals in conflict resolution and executive coaching. Specializing in NVC, Tom fosters understanding, empathy, and effective community communication. As Rotary District 6690 Peace Chair, he advocates for peace education and community engagement. Join Tom on the journey to achieve results through communication, connection, and collaboration.

Book A FREE Discovery Call

Ready to bring peace to your community, organization, or Rotary group? Let’s schedule a call to speak more. Please fill out this form, and we’ll be in touch about scheduling a call together.

Our Address

2068 Willowick Circle
Columbus, Ohio 43229

Phone Number


Email Address