Carlisi and Associates Co., LLC
About Us

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Carlisi and Associates, CEO
About Thomas Carlisi, MA
- WFounder, Carlisi and Associates Co., LLC
- WCertified Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Trainer
Tom Carlisi is the Founder of Carlisi & Associates Co. He has provided counseling, coach and training services for over 40 years in central Ohio – and beyond Tom is a Certified Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Trainer. One of his specialty skills is Conflict Resolution. His executive coaching and training services helps people realize their full individual and relationship potential. The company motto is “Achieving Results Through Communication, Connection, and Collaboration.”
Past Experiences include: 1) Founder & Executive Director, Winners’ League Foundation, a non-profit organization, specializing in Youth Educational Programs (Service-Learning and Youth Workforce Development),2) Founder of Northwoods Counseling Center, 3) Consultant to the Educational Counsel (Franklin County, OH).
Tom has a Master’s Degree from The Ohio State University, Dept. of Education, Special Services. He is a graduate of the Family Therapy Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio. Tom is an alumnus of the Leadership Ohio program.
In Rotary, he serves as:
Columbus Rotary Peace Chair,
RD6690 Peace Co-Chair,
RD6690 Past Rotaract Chair,
RPF Peace Symposium Series – Planning Team Member,
Rotary Action Group for Peace (RAGFP) member,
RAGFP Peace Chapter of Ohio – USA, Founding member
Carlisi & Associates Team
Meet the Master Trainers
Linda O’Connor, MA
Workforce Development Specialist
- WCareer Technical Education Services (CTES) Co-Founder
- WGrants/Contracts Writer & Manager
- WC & A Key Associate & Collaborator
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Linda is the former Assistant Director for Career-Technical Education for the Ohio Department of Education, which includes career pathways, work-based learning (high school internships/apprenticeships) and industry credentials.
She holds a Master’s Degree from The Ohio State University/College of Education and Human Ecology, BA from the Ohio Dominican University in Business Administration, Black Belt in Six-Sigma/Villanova University, OSU certified Facilitator for DACUM (Developing a Curriculum) Job Task Analysis, NCCER certified instructor (University of Florida Certified), Certified as Facilitator & Instructor for Total Quality Management through Ohio University.
She has over 20 years as a Director in Education and Workforce Development through training, grant management, writing business plans, helping companies set and reach measurable goals for a “healthy” bottom line.”
In the past 3 yrs., Linda has been the primary grant writer for two Workforce Development Projects in southeast Ohio – Appalachia – that have been awarded $1 million+ each.
Linda O’Connor is key Workforce Development Specialist & Grants Writer/Project Manager for key Carlisi and Associates (C & A) Programs. Career Connecting Program (CCP) for Young Adults, Aging Out of Foster Care and/or Homeless is a key program planned for “rollout” in Yr. 2024
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Jennifer Montgomery, MA, RPF
Rotary International Peace Fellow
Magenta Girls Initiative
Co-founder, President
- WConsultant & Trainer with Carlisi & Associates
- WHuman Trafficking Prevention & Recovery Specialist (also reference to “Magenta Girls Initiative “ – Africa
- W“Peace & The Arts” Specialist
(peace and justice (human rights, criminal law) | peace, sex and gender (women, LGBTQ) | peace and arts (music, visual, theatre)
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Jennifer Montgomery is a visual artist, writer and global human rights advocate. She has more than 20 years of professional experience in public policy, program management, strategic communications and facilitation.
She served for 10 years as Director of Human Trafficking Education and Outreach for the Kansas Attorney General’s Office and is a subject matter expert on human trafficking and Gender Based Violence with the Attorney General Alliance – Africa Partnership for Justice.
She holds a B.A. in Communication Studies from the University of Kansas, an M.A. in Arts Education from the University of Florida and a Postgraduate Diploma in Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation from Makerere University. Jennifer is a published author and an engaging public speaker able to distill complex ideas into powerful messages to inspire change.
She recently completed a Rotary International Peace Fellowship at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. Her fellowship initiative focused on transforming conflict-based sexual violence through arts-based inquiry, differentiation and storytelling with at-risk women in an urban informal settlement in Kampala. As a result of this work, she partnered with three Ugandan women to form Magenta Girls Initiative (MGI), an international NGO mobilizing community support for girls’ education and empowerment. MGI designs programs to lift vulnerable women and girls out of generational poverty through psychosocial support, education and skills training and innovative collaborations to foster sustainable livelihoods.
As a survivor of sexual violence, Jennifer is deeply committed to helping others transform trauma into avenues for peace and reconciliation in communities across the globe.
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John Martin
Workforce Development Specialist
- WEntrepreneurship & Leadership Experience Specialist
- WSocial Entrepreneurship Specialist
- WC & A – Coach, Trainer, Consultant
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John Martin is the Founder of “1000 Youth” Program, with a vision of mentoring 100 Young Adults per year (times 10 years) to help them rise above poverty-level lifestyles, through Sales, Marketing, and Entrepreneurism. This new “1000 Youth” initiative focuses on Appalachia Ohio.
John Martin is currently collaborating with Tom Carlisi and Linda O’Connor (C & A Associates) – to include the “1000 Youth” Initiative in the recently awarded $1 million+ Workforce Development Project – Focusing on Manufacturing Industry – in southeast Ohio – Appalachia. Linda O’Connor is the Project Manager.
John is an affiliate with Carlisi and Associates (C & A). John specializes in Entrepreneurship and Leadership development. He will assist in developing the Social Entrepreneurship & online sales catalogue for C & A – featuring mission-related products.
John Martin is Past Director of National Financial Solutions. He is also Past Owner of Optimum Print Companies, a company that grew to $15,000,000.00 USD in annual income.
John’s passion for helping young people has been demonstrated through various Mentor and Sports Coach roles over the past 3 decades.
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Tijana Ristic, MS
- WEmpowering Peacebuilders (EP) Program Administrator, for Carlisi and Associates
- WSocial Media Specialist
- WEP alumni & Co-Host of EP online series
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Tijana Ristic is a Peacebuilder activist, who helps foster Peace Programming in Serbia, Europe – and beyond. She serves in many leadership capacities through various Rotary-related Peace organizations, including:
- Rotary Action for Peace (RAGFP) Board Member
- Rotaractor – (1st Rotaractor in the world to be appointed to RAGFP Board)
- Rotary Peace Activator (Europe)
Tijana serves as Administrator for the “Empowering Peacebuilders” (EP) online series – offered globally – in collaboration with Tom Carlisi, CNVC Trainer and Rotarian. Tijana also serves as EP online series Co-host.
Tijana is also a graphic artist and she helps develop the C & A Peace Program – Education Materials.
Tijana will also work with other key C & A Associates to help maximize the Social Media presence and positive impact, with C & A programs.
Tijana Ristic recently received her Master’s Degree in Naval Engineering, and is working in Serbia, Europe.
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Sharon Ware, MA
Community Outreach & Engagement Specialist
- W“Building Peace in” (BPC) Program Outreach Representative for C & A
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Soup From A Stone, LLC
“Building Engagement Strategies for Transformative Communities” 614.561.3256
Sharon Ware, principal of Soup From A Stone, LLC provides an array of services ranging from customized training and consulting packages for community-based and public sector organizations. Her focus has been providing connecting platforms between grassroots and hidden figures of community leaders and services.
She previously served as the assistant director of United Way of Central Ohio Neighborhood Partnership Center, where she oversaw non-profit training, technical assistance and capacity building programs devoted to strengthening neighborhoods. Under her leadership, the Neighborhood Leadership Academy provided training for over 300 community change agents. She was co-founder of the Neighborhood Best Practices Conference that provided neighbors, neighborhood leaders and nonprofits opportunities to share their best collaborative practices.
Sharon has a communication and marketing masters, and certifications in mediation. She has served on the National Self Development of People of the Presbyterian USA Church, and presented to Neighborhood USA conferences. She currently serves as MidEast Area Commissioner, Mid-Ohio Presbyterian Self Development of People committee and ARC Industries, Inc. as board member.
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Donte Woods-Spikes
Youth Advocate, Author, Filmmaker
- WC & A Youth S-L Trainer Associate (also, with specialty in Media Arts)
- WKeynote Speaker, Workshop Presenter, Author, Filmmaker
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Donte Woods-Spikes, the creator of Empathize With Me is known for his professional speaking, community work, and video documentati on, among other pursuits. He is a TEDx speaker and organizer and is recognized as an official storyteller of the Columbus Makes Art campaign.
He has been requested by the likes of Columbus City Schools, Arts and College Preparatory Academy, Upper Arlington, and Grandview Heights for youth engagement. Donte’s overall goal is to educate and connect the world beyond perception and stereotypes with authentic shared experiences through storytelling and documentation.
His influential voice has been requested by the likes of Pecha Kucha Columbus, Ohio Arts Council Conference, National Charter School Conference, GDEX, and Collegiate Leadership Conference of Ohio. He is recognized as an established storyteller by the Greater Columbus Arts Council’s Columbus Makes Art campaign.
Donte will collaborate with Tom Carlisi, C & A, to offer his various Youth Media Arts programs & services.
Visit Donte’s website
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Dr. Craig Klein, PhD, DMin
Community Outreach & Engagement Specialist
- WRotarian & IEP Positive Peace Ambassador
- W Former Professional Broadcaster (NPR)
- WProfessor of Journalism & Broadcasting
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Jennie Anahata, LISW, LICDC
NVC Trainer Associate
Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Recovery Specialist
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Rev. Jennie Anahata is an Ordained Spiritual Counselor, Relationship Counselor, Conscious Communication Coach, Mediator and Yoga Teacher. She has been on an intense spiritual path for many years, and is passionate about sharing tools for mastering the ego, cultivating peace and living consciously.
Jennie is collaborating with Tom Carlisi (and Carlisi and Associates) to expand the NVC Training Programs – to be implemented in, 1) Community sectors, 2) Higher Education, and 3) Alcohol & Chemical Dependency sectors,
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George Kun, Owner
George Kun Travel Inc.
Hope for Peace, LLC – Principal Partner
(in collaboration with Carlisi and Associates)
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George Kun has been the founder and independent owner of George Kun Travel Inc now for 36 years. We specialize in custom creative Group productions tied to travel & specially produced themed events all over the US & Globally as well.
George was born in Budapest Hungary and brings his flair and passion of traveling and adventuring to all far corners of the world.
Also, George is an 11-year Rotary member. He is Principal Partner of Hope for Peace, LLC, in collaboration with Tom Carlisi (Carlisi and Associates) and Ed Wandtke (Advisor for Carlisi and Associates). We are “in discussions” to develop “Hope for Peace
Retreats & Cruises – which feature cause-related Peace programming. As portion of proceeds will help sponsor Carlisi and Associates Peace Programs – local to global.
Additionally, George Kun helped form Givin Global Goodness (GGG), a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, to support Peace Programs, in collaboration with Carlisi and Associates, and other Peace initiatives – TBD. Both Hope for Peace & GGG entities incorporate George’s desire to help those in need in any creative form of partnerships that opportunities and needs may bring! Large scale projects are welcome.
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Patrick Donadio, MBA, CSP™, MCC
Advisor for Carlisi and Associates
- WSpecializing in Communications, Leadership, Media Relations, and Marketing
- WCommunication Strategist, Business Coach, Professional Workshop Trainer, and National Speaker Association member
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Patrick Donadio, MBA, is a professional speaker, executive coach, and author of “Communicating with IMPACT”. He has taught/coached two generations of leaders and their organizations to use his IMPACT process to communicate with clarity, lead more effectively, present with power, and improve results.
Patrick is a communication strategist to consult when you want to develop solutions, shift mindsets, and improve your results when communicating with your staff, customers, and the public.
Patrick is one of the few people in the world to have earned both the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP™) designation and the Master Certified Coach (MCC) designation. The highest earned designations in both professions.
Patrick serves as C & A Advisor, and assists Tom Carlisi, CEO, with various strategic Marketing and Program Development initiatives, of C & A. He is currently helping C & A to upgrade their web presence and Social Media outreach to prospective new clients, in Yr. 2024.
Visit Patrick website:
Ed Wandtke, CPA, CVA
Advisor for Carlisi and Associates
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CPA, CVA (certified valuation analyst) CEPA (Certified Exit Planning Advisor), MBA
Ed Wandtke works with business owners, accounting firms and consultants on business improvement with focus on revenue growth, cash flow, and profit. Clients range from midsize $5 million to $50 million.
Clients are spread across the United States and Canada.
Ed Wandte also works closely with Tom Carlisi, C & A, CEO – as an Advisor for Carlisi and Associates. Ed is helping position C & A to offer their Educational Programs, via License Agreements – with future C & A Associates – regionally, nationally, and globally.
He is also Advising on a strategic alliance with C & A – and newly formed organizations, titled:
- “Hope For Peace” (for-profit entity offering Educational & Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives
- “Givn Global Goodness” (501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, affiliated with “Hope for Peace” Initiatives.
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Contact Carlisi & Associates
For inquiries regarding our programs, coaching services, or any other related questions, please fill out this form below
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2068 Willowick Circle
Columbus, Ohio 43229
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