Carlisi and Associates Co., LLC
Nonviolent/Collaborative Communication (NVC) Coaching & Training for Individuals, Relationships, Organizations
A Needs-Based framework for navigating issues, and creating improved Communication, Connection, Collaboration – through better understanding of Yourself & Others.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”


Certified Coach & Trainer

Proven NVC Method

15 Years of Results

Conflict Resolution
You’ll get the most out of these services if you fit one of the following descriptions:
- WIndividuals looking to improve themselves, their connections with others, and find more joy and purpose in their hearts
- WCouples looking to improve their relationships, communication, and understanding of each other
- WTeams looking to resolve conflicts and build skills for greater collaboration and unity
- WService Professionals looking to learn a framework to better serve clients, through “Train-the-Trainer” Programs
- WRotarians (and others) wanting to enhance Peace in Communities - through “Building Peace Through Service” Program model, aligning Nonviolent/Collabortative Communication (NVC) with Rotary 4-Way Test

“Everything We Do is in the Service of a Need”
“Violence is a Tragic Expression of Unmet Needs”
“Our Natural State Is Connection”
Marshall Rosenburg
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor E. Frankl

We all face similar challenges in life – in connection with ourselves, significant others, or other relationships personally and professionally.
We all have the same universal needs.
But how do we respond when we find ourselves stuck in conflicts that cause pain, stress, and deep discomfort?
At Carlisi & Associates, we teach and support our clients with a proven and effective framework adapted from Marshall Rosenburg’s Nonviolent Communication that allows us to move through these conflicts and arrive on the other side with more connection, joy and fulfillment – instead of repeating behaviors, learned patterns and strategies to meet our needs that create more separation.
Fostering Real Understanding & Connection
Our methodology is uniquely rooted in empathy, respect, and compassion. Working together, you’ll learn a process to:
- WAccentuate what is working
- WTurn challenges into opportunities for learning
- WRespect your internal wisdom
- WNavigate current and future issues with ease

Unlock your potential for more profound empathy and self-understanding. Learn to identify your needs, communicate with clarity, and strengthen your relationships, all within a framework of peaceful conflict resolution.
Orientation Meeting (Discovery Call)
Creating Plan (with initial series of sessions)
Awareness & Practice Sessions
Skill Development Sessions
Integration Sessions

A safe place for couples to dive deep and enhance their relationship. Whether you want to overcome specific challenges or strengthen your bond, this is the spot. NVC for Relationships allows you to fix, heal, and grow with someone who sees you. Build a two-way path of respect and compassion through NVC.
Steps to get started:
- Orientation Meeting (Discovery Call)
- Creating Plan (with initial series of sessions)
- Relationship Systems Sessions
- Individual & Conjoint Sessions
- Integration Sessions
Teams & Organizations
Focus on enhancing relationships and personal development, balancing work and life, resolving conflicts, and boosting team productivity with Collaborative Communications. Improve communication skills, foster bonds, promote teamwork and create a culture of respect and safety that values innovation and diversity.
Needs Based Management
Collaborative Communications for Businesses
Team Communication Improvement
Potential Work with Leadership/Individual CEO’s
Potential Conjoint Work with Key Leaders
Offering Facilitator Skills for Team Meetings
Preparing for Team Meetings
Improving Organizational Culture & Systems for Peace
We’ll lead you through these 4 stages:



Clarity & Competency

Skill Integration
Bringing together wisdom from multiple modalities including:
- WNonviolent/Collaborative Communication
- WVisioning & Metaphor Work
- WDual Diagnosis for substance abuse for mental health & addiction recovery
- WTrauma Informed Care
- W13 Step Framework
To achieve these results:
- WEnhanced life purpose
- WImproved communication
- WPeace within Self
- WPeace within your relationship
- WPeace in your organization

Meet Tom Carlisi
Founder, Carlisi and Associates Co., LLC
Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer
Tom Carlisi, MA, is your dedicated coach and trainer, supporting individuals, relationships, and teams on the path to conflict resolution and personal growth. With over four decades of experience, Tom fosters understanding, empathy, and effective community communication. As a Certified NVC Trainer, he empowers individuals to achieve remarkable results through tailored coaching and training sessions. Join Tom on the transformative journey toward lasting peace and harmony in your personal and professional life.

Work With Us
Interested in working with Carlisi & Associates for coaching or training? Click the button below to book an Orientation Meeting/Discovery Call.
Contact Carlisi & Associates
For inquiries regarding our programs, coaching services, or any other related questions, please fill out this form below
Our Address
2068 Willowick Circle
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Phone Number
Email Address